Jealousy Workshop

I have a secret passion for understanding emotions, to take them as guidelines in our actions. So in my Coaching courses I want to combine my design & marketing skills to prepare wonderful presentations for learning how to deal with such crazy feelings like: Jealousy. Here I share with you a sneak peak of the images I showed in my Workshop! :)

It was an amazing experience to investigate different perspectives and create the content looking for important art sources to show how integrated jealousy is in our culture. Then I organize & structure the speech with also practical exercices and group dynamics, activities to explore better our emotions and learn together how to cope with strong emotions. I find the importance of disempower the destructive factores to protect our loving relationships, creating a community feeling where its validated and ok to feel, because it only makes us more human.

My editorial skills also were there to create a notebook to work this topic also in private, to remember this when we are already caught up in the feeling.

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